Surprise! You Can’t Easily Disinherit Your Spouse in the U.S.

It is not easy to disinherit your spouse in the United States. People commonly use their estate plans to disinherit brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, and even their very own children and grandchildren. However, in Florida, and the majority of states and the District...

Decanting: How to Fix a Trust That Isn’t Getting Better With Age

Though it is common for many wines to improve as they age, the same is not true for some irrevocable trusts. Perhaps you are the beneficiary of a trust created by your great grandfather sixty years ago that no longer makes sense. Or maybe you created an irrevocable...

What’s Hot in Estate Planning Right Now May Surprise You

Estate Planning has truly evolved over the past two decades. This blog post will provide some insight as to what is behind this Estate Planning Evolution. Gone is the uncertainty about federal estate taxes and the absolute requirement for married couples to use...